Election Profile: Mike Leddy

Mike Leddy: Strong, Decisive Leadership

Many people have asked me why I am standing for parliament. The answer is a bit old fashioned really. I believe in New Zealand and am getting increasingly angry at the steady decline in our living standards and the state of the country generally.

This government has delivered increasing serious crime, health cuts, axing of the Air Force and extra petrol taxes. We now have a Superannuation system, which enshrines poverty in old age. Where is the vision for the future, the bold measures to improve the financial and social wealth of all New Zealanders?

My wife and I have a family of six children. We chose to live in this electorate because it suits our family. We like it here. We want our children to grow up with pride in themselves, in us and our country; to know that they have had a good education which enables them to find good jobs in New Zealand; to be safe on our streets and in our homes; and to know that as they get older there is a guaranteed Superannuation scheme in place which rewards them for their contribution to making our country great again.

If my vision of the future agrees with yours then you should vote for me with your electorate vote. I don’t promise to agree with everything you say or want but I do pledge myself to provide the strength and leadership to work for you in achieving a better New Zealand for us all.