The Rev Heather Macdonald
July 2002

Anyone going out in the evenings recently could not help but notice the huge full moon hanging in our night sky at the moment. It is quite dramatic.

We are in the time of the winter solstice. A time for warm fires, good stews and soups and electric blankets. Also a time for people to be thinking of mid-winter Christmases. A season when roast turkeys and steamed puddings make sense.

Because for those of us who live in the Southern Hemisphere, celebrations like Christmas loose a lot of their meaning. For those living in the Northern Hemisphere - Christmas is mid-winter. And this is why the birth of Christ was placed on the 25th December. Not because he was born then - he was probably born in the summer - but because the symbol of the shortest day - the wee sun - fits so well with the wee Son of God coming into the world. The Light being born and growing to strength - is reflected in the season. Right at the coldest, darkest time of the year - on the winter solstice - the Birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated - the hope to come of something better, something new.

And as I look around at people now there is a lift in their step as they acknowledge that once again we have passed the shortest day and we are now on our way to summer.

As we acknowledge this season - we also need to acknowledge the timing with God and with ourselves. I feel there is an urgency for us to be seeking and restoring our relationship with God - with Jesus. Just as we notice the huge moon hanging in the sky - we also need to be noticing what is happening in the world around us.

Stokes Valley is in the extremely lucky position of having the Rev Peter Kumar coming to speak and offer healing right here in our Valley. Having met this man on Monday night - I feel he has truly been sent by God as a blessing for us. How are we going to respond? As Scripture says - all things are evidenced by the fruit they bear. People are being healed and restored at his meetings. We are all spiritual beings and we need to be nurturing our spiritual selves. He will be at the Kirk at 10am - Tuesday 9th July and then monthly. Come and see him for yourself.

For everything there is a time and a season…

May the hope of Jesus Christ - the Light come into the world - be with you.
