Julie Engelbretsen
May 2002
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I am beginning to find my feet, not
my sealegs, on Council. Every day I am learning a new procedure, process, or about stages
that need to be gone through etc. I am most grateful for the excellent and prompt support
I receive from Council Officers.
On Wednesday 8 April I was shown around the Silverstream Tip site. The tour included a
four wheel drive trip up a very steep narrow road that is inaccessible to dump trucks in
wet weather to view the area that is used to obtain soil to cover up rubbish. The tour was
for members of Hutt & Upper Hutt City Council who are on the Services Committee, and
the relevant council officers of both councils.
We began with a guided tour through the gas plant, which is not presently running at full
capacity but with a recent change in shareholding it is hoped that it can be upgraded to
run to near full capacity. Recently some of the gas pipes were sunk to only 7 metres and
these have produced very well. Hutt City has a 7% share in the gas station.
After that we were taken past the public dumping area and had it explained just how
quickly rubbish is moved on and covered over at its next site. Many upset people have come
back to the tip or called up expecting to be able to forage for something like a wedding
dress inadvertently taken to the tip earlier that day. Sadly for them, that is not the
case as it may have been in days gone by.
I was extremely impressed at the state of the tip, the manager takes great pride in his
before and after photos. An excellent view was obtained from the trip we undertook in the
4 wheel drive.
It is expected work will begin soon to make the green waste area more accessible. I was
disappointed to hear that the green waste currently is mixed with all other household
rubbish. There have been no takers to make something of this waste? In the future it may
be able to be mixed with the pellets currently dumped from the new Sewerage & Waste
Water Plant in Seaview. In other cities in New Zealand both recycled green waste &
sewerage by-products are recycled and then sold, Hutt City Council so far has no takers
for the green waste and would even give it away free to be processed. (There was a problem
when some green waste was being mulched and a washing machine was amongst the green waste,
what a mess was made of the mulcher.......)
I am pleased with the way things are progressing with Taita Community Hall. A report will
come to the next Northern Ward Committee on this matter It is also very pleasing to see
work has begun on tidying up two eyesore spots on the Eastern Hutt Rd - the rail corridor,
and the site that will be for Tag War Games.
Thursday 11 April I attended a meeting in Mayor Terris's office with the Manager and
members of the Board of Sport & Recreation, the new name for Hillary Commission. Under
new local government act legislation (when it is passed) there will need to be a closer
liaison with them, local councils and district health boards.
In the wind are some exciting new initiatives e,g, better health for diabetic sufferers
through regular exercise (resourced). I mentioned Walter Nash Stadium could do with a
financial boost as the community it serves fits their targeted cultural groups, Maori
& Pacific Islanders.
It is sad that Neil Tonkin, an officer with Hutt City Council, will be leaving in May. He
always has some innovative ideas. I would like him to have been around to see some of
these new directions. I am optimistic his successor will carry on Neil's high standard and
The recent Graham Report indicated just how unfit we are as a country right through from
children to adults. I was able to enlighten the group on an initiative that Naenae
Kindergarten does weekly - we take 15 children to 5 Star Gym. From this we have noticed
greater gross motor mobility and improved self esteem.
Also mentioned was the word "pilot" I was quick to say, Don"t forget about
the Hutt Valley!" A lot of discussion took place about strengthening the liaison
between Pub Charities, Community Trust and Local Councils. Meetings of this type are
taking place in other parts of New Zealand. I was envious when I heard Christchurch
Council are able to allocate $500,000 to after school programmes, I realise we cannot
compare ourselves to them but I know full well what a difference it could make if we were
able to spend more money on children. I am aware there is a trust operating in Wellington
whereby a small monthly % of supermarkets takings goes into a trust that is administered
purely for sport right across all ages, I would like to look into something of this type
for the Hutt Valley.
Something I want to look into urgently is the provision of more carparking on High Street
adjacent to Taita Railway Station. I have noticed the parking is at its capacity.
You may have noticed work has begun on the new pumping station in High Street at a cost of
$300,000.00. One of its benefits to your area will be better water pressure.
We are coming up to the Annual Plan round and I haven't been flooded with phonecalls and
opinions. I am interested in what you think so please call me after you receive your
consultation documents on 563-5179.
We finished off with a drive down into the valley to view the next tip site that will come
into use in several years time. This site will operate on a saucer like manmade surface.
Thank you
Cr Julie Englebretsen
Manuka Cottage
Ph: 563-5179