Letters to the Editor
Stokes Valley News - May 2002

You are welcome to write to Stokes Valley News about any issue. Letters will be published at the sole discretion of the editor. You can write to editor@svn.co.nz, or you can use the online form at the bottom of this page. (Disabled in Archive.)

Stokes Valley "Better than you imagine" -

I don't think so. Not when you're welcomed by the sight of recycling clothing bins, mostly unkept lawns and a couple of unattractive trees, just inside the Valley entrance opposite the dairy. I believe Hutt City Council receives a commission for the money raised for these bins.

As a ratepayer I am disgusted that Hutt City Council has no problem letting this area look like a ghetto. Council should clean up this area immediately.

I know there are many others that feel this way, it's time to voice your opinion.

D James


I've seen the City Council's Draft Annual Plan, and once again there is very little for Stokes Valley aside from overdue maintenance work. This is not good enough.

Why are we being asked to pay for improved services for the Central City and Eastbourne Residents yet once again?

There is also a growing call for a bridge from Stokes Valley crossing the river to the Motorway. Why is this proposal not amongst the options being considered when a $25 million road for Eastbourne to access the Hutt City is?

A Butters


I'd like to congratulate you on your efforts on the Stokes Valley News. Each of the editions so far has been of excellent quality and I'm looking forward to your May edition.

Keep up the good work

Kevin Grimes.

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