Julie Engelbretsen
April 2002
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Important dates coming up:
Wednesday April 24 7.30 pm Koraunui Marae - this is your chance to hear about the
proposals for the Annual Plan, now being done in a different format, covering 3 years.
Monday April 29 6 pm Taita RSA - Northern Ward Committee meeting, where the new
chairperson will be elected. On board will be Audrey Misepeka, who gives the Taita Trust
three members on the Ward Committee.
Monday 7 May 5.15pm MP John Tamihere will be at Koraunui Marae.
I have read recently in the Petone & Harbour Ward Herald in the "As I see
it" column, a story written by Murray Smith, Dep. Chair Petone Community Board about
Ward Committees and Community Boards. Personally, I agree with a lot of what he has to
say. This triennium I believe Ward Committees will, as "committees of council,"
be more constrained and restrained. It is also my personal opinion that Hutt City would be
better served if there were Community Boards across the city.
Murray quotes the Mayor (Hutt News 19/2/02) - "[Ward Committees] are, after
all, committees of the council and work properly only when they work with the council,
rather than in opposition to it."
I also strongly believe, like Murray Smith, that the Ward Committees and Community Boards
should be answerable to whomever appoints them. This triennium, however, the Ward
Committees did not go through the mock election process so they have been appointed by
council, so I would argue that is not the case this time.
Under the words of the new local government bill, Community Boards will be "acting as
an advocate for the interests of their communities." I must stress that this should
be the case for Ward Committees........
Progress being made on Northern Ward projects:
I am pleased to advise that work has begun on the unsightly rail corridor adjacent to
Pomare Station. Roy Cox, Petone Trust, is overseeing the massive clear out of the area.
Hopefully the uneven ground will be able to be attended to and the early plantings of
trees and flax can take off. In the future, and maybe with the support of some
discretionary funding from the Northern Ward Committee, more plantings could be carried
The land opposite Pomare Station is also being transformed. Tag War Games is going through
the process to begin their business there. I would like to moot the idea of the carparking
that will be created being available for rail commuters, I am aware that parking at Taita
Station (both sides of the track) is really at its peak....
In the Annual Plan is two automatic BBQs for Speldhurst Park. How do you feel about
beautifying the entranceway to Stokes Valley, making a feature of our statue?
Traffic calming continues to be a real problem in some areas. Concern has been raised from
George St, Delaney Drive area, Glen Rd, Robson St, Logie St and Stokes Valley Rd. You may
have noticed a speed hump appeared at the top of Stokes Valley Rd. This was in urgent
response to issues regarding "boy racers" and "intimidation" to local
residents. This speed hump bypassed the normal procedure for traffic calming whereby areas
are prioritised (I have the paperwork from Council to start the process for Delaney
Drive). I will make sure that other areas too do the necessary paperwork. I am aware
Robson St has already done this.
A recent decision to relocate the bustop at the top of Stokes Valley Rd has been
overturned and the status quo will remain. I strongly disagree with this move. I was a
resident down the driveway where the bus stop is situated and where the buses turn around,
and I know the dangers that abound. I was once collected by a bus whilst parked stationary
in the driveway of my property. Opposition from residents means that the bus stop/bus
shelter will not be situated outside the small council reserve, I have noted there is
another bus stop not very far down Stokes Valley Rd. I have had it suggested that maybe
the buses should stop at the Bus Barns?
Some progress is being made to gain a new access to the historic, picturesque "Old
Coach Road." Signage could guide walkers away from the large area of land that Mr
Waddington owns that has a frontage on Horeaka St.
I would like to follow up on the idea mooted of a "promotional group" being
established for Stokes Valley. This was talked about in the meetings that planned the
Stokes Valley Xmas Parade last year.
I have also been involved in two meetings with Matt Ambler, Property Manager, HCC, to do
with the lease on the Taita Community Hall. I am aware some residents find it difficult to
hire out the Stokes Valley Community Hall. It is a condition of these hall leases that
they are available to the community.
A lot of discussion is taking place about new water charges. They may be introduced over
several years. On the per pan basis many sites will be seeing very large increases, which
could adversely affect non-profit groups and sports clubs.
Remember to get along to the Annual Plan Public Meeting on Wed April 24 at the Koraunui
Marae (7.30pm). It is your rate dollars that are being spent in our city.
Thank you
Cr Julie Englebretsen
Manuka Cottage
Ph: 563-5179